Apr 6, 2012

Book drive now under way; ‘perfect gift’ for sister city

WAILUKU, Maui - A project to collect a ton of new and used books for Maui County's sister cities in Ilocos Norte, the Philippines, is under way.

Mayor Alan Arakawa announced the creation of "Operation: Pass the Dream Forward" on Wednesday.

In February, a delegation from the county, including council Chairman Danny Mateo, Council Members Gladys Baisa, Elle Cochran and Don Couch and Managing Director Keith Regan traveled to the Philippines with Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce President Sharon Zalsos to formalize Maui County's sister city agreement with the town of Badoc.

During their visit, the Maui County delegation met with various mayors and discussed the needs of their respective communities and ways in which Maui County could make its sister city relationships with them more meaningful. Many indicated that there is a shortage of books written in English and that such books could enhance the education of children in their region, a news release about the program said.

"There is such a strong desire for the people of Ilocos Norte to learn the English language," said Regan. "Having a shortage of books written in English therefore makes learning challenging."

Upon returning to Maui, Arakawa was informed of the need and together with Regan came up with the idea of a book drive.

"We thought that a book drive would be a perfect gift to our sister cities (Badoc, Bacarra, San Nicolas, and Sarrat) of Ilocos Norte as books provide a lifelong gift of literacy to children," Arakawa said. "At the same time, such a project would be a great opportunity for parents to talk to their children about the importance of sharing with others."

New and used books for both children and adults may be dropped off at the Mayor's Office on the ninth floor and at the second-floor lobby of the Kalana O Maui building; the Department of Environmental Management administrative office, Suite 100, One Main Plaza; Araki-Regan & Associates; Bistro Manila Maui: Four Sisters Bakery; Four Sisters Restaurant; KPMW; and Noble Travel.

[courtesy of Maui News]

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